Monday, April 14, 2008

Talk, baby, talk

Ciro is sick again. He apparently suffers from some pain somewhere. But he still cannot talk. He woke up crying many times at night but when I offered to hold and comfort him, he violently resisted with harder cry. What do you want, baby? Watching his suffering is a torture to parents.

If he could talk, he could have expressed his frustrations a little bit better so that I know what he wants. He could have shown us where he feels bad, the stuffy nose, or the upsetting stomach, or the teething gum, or a sour throat, or a tingling ear... Now we don't know anything, and it is hard to judge from his actions.

He will be 20 months old soon, an age when most babies start to express themselves much better. But...

I never really worried about the fact that his language skills are developing slower than standard. But when he is sick like this, how I hope that he is a talkative baby and let me know how I can help!!!!!

Please talk, my baby, talk. It hurts to think that there will be more moments like this.


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